We offer educational programs based on biblical perspective truths, geared at providing an educational program to meet every child’s unique learning needs.



K-5th Grade – ACSI Purposeful Design
6-7th – Positive Action for Christ
8th – A Beka Book

Language Arts

K – Curriculum based upon the Science of reading including: Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, Secret Stories Phonics

1st & 2nd – Curriculum based upon the Science of reading including: Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, Secret Stories Phonics, Pearson Education Reading Street, a California state approved curriculum

3rd – Pearson Education Reading Street, a California state approved curriculum; Bob Jones Press Christian integrated curriculum for grammar

4th-5th – McGraw-Hill Education, Open Court Reading, a California state approved curriculum; Bob Jones Press, a Christian integrated curriculum for grammar

6-8th –  Textbooks published by A Beka Book, a Christian integrated curriculum for Language Arts


K-8th Grade Math

Sadlier Math, a California state approved curriculum

2nd-8th Grade Science and Social Studies

Bob Jones Press, a Christian integrated curriculum


K-8th Grade

All curriculum is reinforced with supplemental material from a variety of sources as needed to enhance the educational strength of the material.
Iowa Assessments are administered to 1st – 8th graders each spring to evaluate desired and expected growth for each student. These results are typically in the 70 – 80 percentiles in comparison to the national average of like students. For more information on testing results, you may speak with Mrs. Ramirez, our school principal.

Mrs. Therese

Mrs. Therese Ramirez

School Principal


290 N. Melrose Dr. 

Vista, CA 92083

Or Fax: (760) 724-9887

Office Hours

8:30AM – 3:30PM

About VCS
For nearly 60 years, Vista Christian School has offered families in our community a distinctive Christian education with an academically balanced and caring environment. Our goal is to partner with parents to ensure achievement and success for every student. VCS is fully accredited through Western Association of Schools and Colleges. You may call our school office between 9 am-3 pm (760-724-7353) to schedule a tour of our campus. Click for more info.