We offer educational programs based on biblical perspective truths, geared at providing an educational program to meet every child’s unique learning needs.

K-5th Grade – ACSI Purposeful Design
6-7th – Positive Action for Christ
8th – A Beka Book
Language Arts
K – Curriculum based upon the Science of reading including: Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, Secret Stories Phonics
1st & 2nd – Curriculum based upon the Science of reading including: Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, Secret Stories Phonics, Pearson Education Reading Street, a California state approved curriculum
3rd – Pearson Education Reading Street, a California state approved curriculum; Bob Jones Press Christian integrated curriculum for grammar
4th-5th – McGraw-Hill Education, Open Court Reading, a California state approved curriculum; Bob Jones Press, a Christian integrated curriculum for grammar
6-8th – Textbooks published by A Beka Book, a Christian integrated curriculum for Language Arts

K-8th Grade Math
Sadlier Math, a California state approved curriculum
2nd-8th Grade Science and Social Studies
Bob Jones Press, a Christian integrated curriculum

K-8th Grade
All curriculum is reinforced with supplemental material from a variety of sources as needed to enhance the educational strength of the material.
Iowa Assessments are administered to 1st – 8th graders each spring to evaluate desired and expected growth for each student. These results are typically in the 70 – 80 percentiles in comparison to the national average of like students. For more information on testing results, you may speak with Mrs. Ramirez, our school principal.